Kindle Usability

Converting PDFs for the Kindle

The PDF conversion is better than advertised in my experience. I converted a 400+ page PDF and it reads beautifully on the Kindle. The limitations are that 1) the converted document does not offer a Table of Contents that the Kindle recognizes and that 2) the navigation aids in the original document, like section indicators,…

Kindle Battery Life and Release 1.04 (and 1.08)

So what, you ask, is the difference between Kindle software Release 1.04 and 1.08? Apparently, less that you’d think. According to the Kindle Help page, “There is no difference between these software versions.” Go figure. There is, however, apparently a difference between these two (er, one) versions and Release 1.0. Kindle users report that battery…

More Kindle Battery Advice

And another thing about the Kindle battery: I only charge with the wall socket adapter. I plugged the USB cord into my computer and let it charge while in sleep mode one day, and it actually ran out of power while it was supposed to be charging! Maybe this approach to charging would work if…

Kindle Battery Life: Fact vs Fiction

The different experiences that people have with battery life on the Kindle has led to a bunch of theories: 1. that turning the Kindle off saves more battery than sleep mode 2. that “indexing” of the books on your Kindle goes on in the background and drains the battery 3. that playing music on the…

A Kindle Tale: Junot Diaz and GTA IV

From the “this is what I’m talking about” department at EduKindle: I was reading the Weekend Journal on the Kindle (still on the free two-week Wall Street Journal trial) and saw a review of Grand Theft Auto IV by Pulitzer Prize winning novelist Junot Diaz. This guy can write: “for me, GTA IV is more…

The Power of the Kindle Book Sample

I love this tweet because it expresses my experience exactly: “Started Pillars of the Earth, as a sample on Kindle. At 11:30p end of sample so without taking head off pillow downloaded rest of book WOW!” From Twitter. What’s magical about a Kindle “sample” is that it gives you quite a bit to read, so…

How Do You Hold Your Kindle?

Hadn’t really thought of this as a debate, but some folks say left hand and some folks say right hand, with pictures to prove it. I think you can go either way: left-handed with your thumb on the word “Amazon” or right-handed with your thumb on the word “Kindle.” That cover on the back provides…

Highlighting on the Kindle Across Pages

Can’t do it. If you hit scroll the select wheel up to a line on a page of text that you are reading and click it, a menu will pop up that offers the option to “Add Highlight.” When you click that selection, the Kindle will place a highlight line above the line of text…