Kindle Usability

Font Size Poll Results

Thank you to everyone who voted. It looks like we have a group that likes those larger fonts, with over half of the votes coming in for the #3 and #4 fonts. According to our font size chart, this means that our readers’ preference is for fonts in the 11 point to 14 point size.…

Kindle Navigation Tips #4 – The Back Button

If you really want to get around the content on your Kindle, the “Back” button is key. It isn’t talked about a lot, but there is a big difference between going “back” and going to the “previous page.” Kindle Tips and Troubleshooting at Amazon tells us this much: Back vs. Prev Page: When you are…

Kindle “Out of Memory” Notice from Amazon

Imagine my surprise when I got an email from Amazon telling me that my Kindle was out of memory and that they were waiting to download some content onto my Kindle but that there was no place to put it. “Once you free up space,” the email told me, “the waiting items will be automatically…