Working with Amazon

Are You Getting an E-book Refund?

If this is the first you have heard about an e-book refund, the next thing you will notice is a credit in your Amazon or B&N account for books purchased between April 1, 2010 to May 21, 2012. The option to 1) opt out of the settlement, 2) file a claim, or 3) apply to…

How to share your Kindle books

Only once per book–ever–if the publisher allows it. Amazon and its Kindle reader have long made it possible to share books among devices that are registered to the same account. And that doesn’t mean that you even have to own a Kindle to do it! You can manage a Kindle account for almost any kind…

Is Apple to Blame for Higher E-Book Prices?

Is the trial about why e-book prices jumped when Apple entered the market in 2010 much ado about nothing for educators? Maybe not. All of the strategies that educators have embraced since the dawn of the Kindle era half a decade ago, keeping the per-title costs as low as possible has trumped almost every other…

The Growing World of Worldreader, Part 2

As a follow up to our chat a few weeks back, Worldreader CEO David Risher was kind enough to answer a few more questions for me. First, I wondered how the money from the Bezos grant would be used? Our goal this year is to move from 10,000 kids with access to e-readers to over…

Why We Won’t Purchase More Kindles at The Unquiet Library

Editor’s note: This post is reprinted here with permission from The Unquiet Librarian blog by Buffy Hamilton, who is the school librarian at Creekview High School in Canton, Georgia, as well as highly influential writer, teacher, and speaker. Why We Won’t Purchase More Kindles at The Unquiet Library by Buffy Hamilton We’re back in The Unquiet…

NOOKcolor: A First Look

When my NOOKcolor arrived right on time yesterday, I thought about calling this post “Barnes and Noble Pulls an Amazon.” What I mean by that is, for the first time in the brief history of the universe, B&N got the drop on their cross-country rivals. And part of how they did that was by tearing…