The Kindle Reading Experience

Beware Automatic Book Updates on Kindle

Related Content: Should You De-Synchronize Your Kindle? If you have been reading this blog, you know I am an awestruck fan of the Amazon reading ecosystem and the many, many ways it improves the reading experience, even if you can’t easily find that free book you are looking for… But you have to remember that…

Does My Kindle Book Have Real Page Numbers?

August 23, 2016 – Update: Amazon recently introduced a feature that takes real page numbers to a whole new level. The feature is called Page Flip. It allows you to “step back” from the page you are currently reading on Kindle or Kindle Reader and navigate around the book without ever losing your place. You can…

Five Reasons I Put Pulse on My Kindle Fire

I mean, there are more than five reasons, and frankly I put that in the headline because the pundits say it makes more people read the post, like the numerical approach scratches some itch we have in the reptilian brain or something. In any case, I should say “at least five,” because this nifty little…

The Growing World of Worldreader, Part 2

As a follow up to our chat a few weeks back, Worldreader CEO David Risher was kind enough to answer a few more questions for me. First, I wondered how the money from the Bezos grant would be used? Our goal this year is to move from 10,000 kids with access to e-readers to over…

The Growing World of Worldreader

Had an opportunity to catch up with David Risher, founder and head of Worldreader, the group that is transforming literacy around the world by sending Kindles loaded with books to the remotest reaches of the planet. He sounds like he is having a blast. And who wouldn’t be, when the CEO of a little internet…

Why do teens prefers phones to Kindles as e-readers?

The recent Pew report on Young Americans’ Reading and Library Habits contains a number of great take-aways, including the news that young people frequent libraries at an unexpectedly high rate. But another finding has emerged that may have an impact on the way that schools think about pleasure reading and reading instruction both inside and outside…