Kindle Fire

Far From the Madding Crowd? Far from Frictionless!

Read the Recent Post Does My Kindle Book Have Real Page Numbers? You remember Jeff Bezos’s stated mission to make reading “frictionless”? Well, in some macro sense, circa 2009, he has accomplished his mission. But this is 2013, people, and when I want to load a copy of a public domain title onto my Kindle…

Andrys Does It Again!

If you have a Kindle, care about Kindles, or ever thought about Kindles, you need to get to know Andrys Basten. Now, I know that this is the worst kept secret around, seeing as how Andrys is Number 2 on the recent list of e-reader influencers at Traackr One! But on the very off chance…

Report Details Kindle Fire “Dislikes”

ChangeWave recently reported the results of a survey of Kindle Fire owners that tallied up the things they like and dislike about the device. While we don’t like to accentuate the negative here at EduKindle, we just found that the dislikes were much more revealing than the likes. What do you think the top “like” was? You guessed it: the price.