Kindle Content

Beware Automatic Book Updates on Kindle

Related Content: Should You De-Synchronize Your Kindle? If you have been reading this blog, you know I am an awestruck fan of the Amazon reading ecosystem and the many, many ways it improves the reading experience, even if you can’t easily find that free book you are looking for… But you have to remember that…

Far From the Madding Crowd? Far from Frictionless!

Read the Recent Post Does My Kindle Book Have Real Page Numbers? You remember Jeff Bezos’s stated mission to make reading “frictionless”? Well, in some macro sense, circa 2009, he has accomplished his mission. But this is 2013, people, and when I want to load a copy of a public domain title onto my Kindle…

Five Reasons I Put Pulse on My Kindle Fire

I mean, there are more than five reasons, and frankly I put that in the headline because the pundits say it makes more people read the post, like the numerical approach scratches some itch we have in the reptilian brain or something. In any case, I should say “at least five,” because this nifty little…

The New Kindle Lineup: What It Means to Educators

Just a quick update on the new lineup of Kindles announced earlier this month: as ever, the new Kindle models have one key audience in mind – the individual consumer. Backlight for reading in bed, integration with a vast media library, seamless purchasing opportunities, high resolution screen, touch navigation, whiter backgrounds, the works! All improvements…

6 Reasons to Love the Textbooks from CK12

The free and open textbook industry has made great strides in the past few years. There are numerous open source textbook projects cranking away right now, and one of them Flat World Knowledge, even intends to build a business on the concept. A quick Googling of the words “open source textbook” will give you a…