
How to clean up your Kindle Fire

A lot of Amazon Kindle Fire users have been hit with a message about low storage space or less memory on their devices. One reason for this problem is that the apps that are installed on the Kindle Fire are running in background, performing certain operations that consume both memory and storage. There are few…

Reading Retrofit: A Tool Called Spritz

From the beginning, EduKindle has really been about the meetup between digital technology and reading. Not so much the impact of technology on the publication of text, although that has a long, long history that has involved advances in technology at every step (see Mr. Gutenberg and his press, or Mr. Hammurabi and his stele).…

Beware Automatic Book Updates on Kindle

Related Content: Should You De-Synchronize Your Kindle? If you have been reading this blog, you know I am an awestruck fan of the Amazon reading ecosystem and the many, many ways it improves the reading experience, even if you can’t easily find that free book you are looking for… But you have to remember that…

Far From the Madding Crowd? Far from Frictionless!

Read the Recent Post Does My Kindle Book Have Real Page Numbers? You remember Jeff Bezos’s stated mission to make reading “frictionless”? Well, in some macro sense, circa 2009, he has accomplished his mission. But this is 2013, people, and when I want to load a copy of a public domain title onto my Kindle…