Will DeLamater

Study Grammar on Your Kindle

Jan at The Kindle Reader has a great review on a book that educators might want to put on the Kindle right away, or maybe even share with students: Grammar Girl’s Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing. You can get it right now from Amazon. (Apparently the Kindle version posted at Amazon early by…

Highlighting on the Kindle Across Pages

Can’t do it. If you hit scroll the select wheel up to a line on a page of text that you are reading and click it, a menu will pop up that offers the option to “Add Highlight.” When you click that selection, the Kindle will place a highlight line above the line of text…

Kindle, Schools, and the Love of Reading

Kelly asks on her blog: How about a Kindle’s impact on schools? Put a new Kindle in the hand of a child already pre-downloaded with some rich literature and watch their eyes light up on the first day of school. Will children discover a new love for reading? All I know is that I have…

Students Buying Books on School’s Kindle

Kathy Schrock has a great solution for the “credit card enabled” aspect of the Kindle: …since any user of the Kindle can purchase a new title from the Kindle store from the Kindle itself, we did not know how we were going to control students from purchasing books on a whim. We are solving the…